Govender is a BMW veteran who has been with the group for 20 years. He has vast experience in various divisions across the company and the auto manufacturing sector as a whole.

As of Sunday, 1 August Govender will move from his current role as head of retail network strategy, planning and consulting for South Africa and sub-Saharan Africa to assume his new role.

Govender joined the company in 2001 after completing his master's degree in engineering. He worked on BMW's hybrid-electric vehicles engineering development projects and served as the BMW i market manager in South Africa during the launch of BMW i.

Electro- and future mobility is one of his key areas of expertise and interest. Govender plans to use his wealth of expertise to drive success for BMW Group South Africa and the rest of the country.

"I am honoured to take on the new role and am looking forward to engaging with all our stakeholders. I have had the privilege of working in a number of positions across the business and have been able to learn from each," says Govender.

"These lessons, combined with great relationships within the BMW Group, will enable me to fulfil my duties in the years ahead. Likewise, I will rely on my colleagues' market knowledge and expertise to make the most of the opportunities along the way," Govender adds.

Govender's appointment will bolster BMW Group South Africa as it further extends its segment leadership and continues to positively impact communities through CSI programmes under the umbrella of 'We Build More Than Just Cars'.

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